From Enlightened Medialities
SPARQL Explorer
Enlightened Medialities Sparql Explorer
- Persons: given name (P9), family name (P10), noble and other titles (P11), qualifier (P12), date of birth (P24), date of death (P25), person-id (P27), different from (P23)
- Publications: author (P13), inception date (P14), completion date (P15), publication date (P16), place of publication (P17), Catalogue index (P22)
- Educational institutions: location (P46)
- Geographic names: geocoordinates (P65), different from (P23)
Catalogue Listing
- is listed in the catalogue (P21)
- is referenced in the catalogue as (P18)
- Source of information (P19)
- Resource (P20)
Entry | WB-Property | Item Range (P1) | ||
Identity Performance | (profiling by researcher) | |||
Gender | P26 (item) | Q122 | Gender Attributions | κοινωνικό φύλο |
Social status | P29 (item) | Q123 | Social Status Group Attributions | κοινωνική τάξη |
Linguistic Groups | P30 (string), P50 (item) | Q121 | Linguistic Group Formations | γλωσσική ομάδα |
Places of residence | P49 (item), P31 (string) | Q114 | Geographic Names | τόποι διαμονής (πόλεις, κωμοπόλεις, νησιά) |
Scholarship Environments | (as referenced directly and indirectly by catalogue) | |||
Educational places | P47 (item), P32 (string) | Q118 | Institutions of Learning | μαθητεία |
Teaching places | P48 (item), P33 (string) | Q118 | Institutions of Teaching | διδασκαλία |
Fields of Practice | P59 (item), P34 (string) | Q129 | Fields of Practice | τομέας δραστηριοποίησης |
Networks | P35 (item), P42 (string) | Q9 | Historical Persons | δίκτυα (γνωριμίες, συγγενείς, σύγχρονοι) |
Practices and Medialities | (as attested directly and indirectly by catalogue) | |||
Linguistic Capital | P36 (string), P51 (item) | Q121 | Languages | γλωσσομάθεια / Language proficiency |
Linguistic Registers | P62 (item), P37 (string) | Q121 (Languages) | Q127 (Linguistic Registers) | γλωσσικό μέσο (strings) |
Media | P60 (item), P38 (string) | Q128 | Media of Scholarship | μέσο λογιοσύνης |
Practices | P61 (item), P39 (string) | Q120 | Practices of Scholarship | πρακτικές της λογιοσύνης |
Attributions | (as estimated directly and indirectly by catalogue) | |||
Intellectual Capital | P40 (string) | Q125 | Scholar Group Attributions | γραμματειακές κατηγοριοποιήσεις - διανοητικό κεφάλαιο (strings) |
Profile assessment | P43 (string) | Q126 | Profile Attributions | χαρακτηρισμοί που δίνει ο κατάλογος (strings) |
(not in use) Value estimation | P41 (string) | Q119 | Value Attributions | αξιολόγηση του καταλόγου |
Transtemporal Communities | P63 | Q9 | Historical Persons | κοινότητες δια χρόνου |