
From Enlightened Medialities

SPARQL Explorer

Enlightened Medialities Sparql Explorer


  • Persons: given name (P9), family name (P10), noble and other titles (P11), qualifier (P12), date of birth (P24), date of death (P25), person-id (P27), different from (P23)
  • Publications: author (P13), inception date (P14), completion date (P15), publication date (P16), place of publication (P17), Catalogue index (P22)
  • Educational institutions: location (P46)
  • Geographic names: geocoordinates (P65), different from (P23)

Catalogue Listing

  • is listed in the catalogue (P21)
  • is referenced in the catalogue as (P18)
  • Source of information (P19)
  • Resource (P20)


Entry WB-Property Item Range (P1)
Identity Performance (profiling by researcher)
Gender P26 (item) Q122 Gender Attributions κοινωνικό φύλο
Social status P29 (item) Q123 Social Status Group Attributions κοινωνική τάξη
Linguistic Groups P30 (string), P50 (item) Q121 Linguistic Group Formations γλωσσική ομάδα
Places of residence P49 (item), P31 (string) Q114 Geographic Names τόποι διαμονής (πόλεις, κωμοπόλεις, νησιά)
Scholarship Environments (as referenced directly and indirectly by catalogue)
Educational places P47 (item), P32 (string) Q118 Institutions of Learning μαθητεία
Teaching places P48 (item), P33 (string) Q118 Institutions of Teaching διδασκαλία
Fields of Practice P59 (item), P34 (string) Q129 Fields of Practice τομέας δραστηριοποίησης
Networks P35 (item), P42 (string) Q9 Historical Persons δίκτυα (γνωριμίες, συγγενείς, σύγχρονοι)
Practices and Medialities (as attested directly and indirectly by catalogue)
Linguistic Capital P36 (string), P51 (item) Q121 Languages γλωσσομάθεια / Language proficiency
Linguistic Registers P62 (item), P37 (string) Q121 (Languages) Q127 (Linguistic Registers) γλωσσικό μέσο (strings)
Media P60 (item), P38 (string) Q128 Media of Scholarship μέσο λογιοσύνης
Practices P61 (item), P39 (string) Q120 Practices of Scholarship πρακτικές της λογιοσύνης
Attributions (as estimated directly and indirectly by catalogue)
Intellectual Capital P40 (string) Q125 Scholar Group Attributions γραμματειακές κατηγοριοποιήσεις - διανοητικό κεφάλαιο (strings)
Profile assessment P43 (string) Q126 Profile Attributions χαρακτηρισμοί που δίνει ο κατάλογος (strings)
(not in use) Value estimation P41 (string) Q119 Value Attributions αξιολόγηση του καταλόγου
Transtemporal Communities P63 Q9 Historical Persons κοινότητες δια χρόνου